“By taking the time to stop and appreciate who you are and what you’ve achieved – and perhaps learned through a few mistakes, stumbles and losses – you actually can enhance everything about you. Self-acknowledgment and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and accomplishments.”
Jack Canfield
2021… Another year that will be remembered for decades to come, there were highs and lows, positives and negatives but through it all we are proud to say that the candour of our remarkable staff has allowed us to react in the right way to support our clients and keep our business moving forwards.
Tribe Recruitment secured new team members including Helen, Lauren, Adam, Ben, Grace and Antony who have, combined with an impressive existing team, seen Tribe grow strongly throughout 2021. In addition, Tribe achieved UKAS accredited ISO 9001 quality certification in December 2021.
Care Matters seized the opportunity to extend its business relationship with a local authority. Middlesbrough Council were actively looking for new providers to help with their increased demand for domiciliary services and with an existing contract in place to support them including services to the NHS, we excitedly opened our new Middlesbrough office in January 2022.
The Robin Centre doubled in size purely down to our amazing team of Vicky and Tracy who have been instrumental in its success. We are enormously proud of what is being achieved, this business continues to build confidence and at the same time upskill its members. We are looking for opportunities in 2022 that will take this vibrant day centre another step closer to our vision for modernising work to support the skills development of adults with differing abilities.
Once you’ve laid the foundation there are no limits to what you can achieve! We continue to invest and support our local community through corporate sponsorship and other initiatives such as partnering with the Marcus Rashford Foundation which supports children in the local area .
We are looking for other opportunities in 2022.. Watch This Space!!!
If you would like to know more about opportunities within Newlands Group or are interested in speaking to us, please Contact Us using the form on the site.